Thursday, October 17, 2013

Improved 3D printable case for mesh extender

In recent blog posts I have been talking about the 3D printable cases for the mesh extender prototypes.  We had a little problem with the first prototype not fitting the USB memory sticks that we had, so Musti kindly tweaked the design to make more room, as can be seen in this shot:

 With the lid on it looks like this:

The ABS plastic just has a nicer finish than the other plastic we used on the first test unit.  With this change it is just about right, except that it ended up bring a little too short for some reason, perhaps an issue with our 3D printer, as you can see by the little gap behind the lid here:

We will just print the case 1mm longer, and all should be well.

The next step from here is to adapt it for the MR3040 router which has a small rechargeable battery, and means that we can have a single-piece Mesh Extender with at least a few hours of battery life before adding an external battery.


  1. Hey guys, been following your progress for a while and I'm super impressed!!

    Are you posting your 3D print files anywhere (thingiverse, cubehero)? I know I don't have the rest of the hardware yet (I can't wait to experiment though!!) -- but I'd be interesting in seeing how I might be able to contribute. We run a small print shop in Richmond Virginia, so we have a lot of experience with production printing & designing for printability.

    3Dideas (at)

    1. The files will be up at in the first instance. Quite happy for them to go up on thingiverse etc.
