Monday, September 15, 2014

Installing mesh extenders with Michael

An old friend of the Serval Project, Michael Adeyeye, is here with us in the batcave for the week to see what we are doing, and for us to share knowledge with him.

Apart from it being great to catch up with an old friend, the timing is perfect, as we have just finished our simplified installation process for the Mesh Extenders.  So Michael gets to test the documentation and procedure for installing Mesh Extenders, so that we can fix any problems.  All going well, we will finally have the initial batch of Mesh Extenders from the crowd-funding campaign ready to ship.


  1. Dr. Paul,

    Glad to hear the news of progress.

    Are there any Mesh extenders that are available for order as of now?

    Also, while attempting to setup my own I kept encountering the problem of limited memory on the routers, therefore preventing some of the software from being flashed to the routers. At this point I can connect to the routers as an access point from multiple phones, but the routers cannot communicate to one another as expected. I'm not sure where to go from here.

    Have you encountered this problem, or have any suggestions? I was considering looking into available routers for more RAM to help with this.

    Thanks in advance for any info,

    1. Hello,
      We are still settling the initial firmware release for the Mesh Extenders. After that, we will look at making some units available for sale.

      The (hopefully) final stages of this are being played out at the moment on the serval-project-developers Google Group. You are welcome to join in there, including with the testing.

      As part of this, we have made major changes about how the units are flashed and setup, so that you won't get those problems related to the small internal flash.

      So for now I recommend you hop over to the mailing list, follow along, and feel free to help test the latest firmware installation process.

